trick or treating safetyThe decorations are hung, the candy is in the bowl and Halloween is just around the corner. With costumes and candy, Halloween is a beloved holiday for many children. Before your princess or Power Rangers take to the neighborhood streets, there are a few things to remember.

Plan Your Route: Plan your trick or treating route in advance and during daylight hours. Check for broken sidewalks and other obstacles that could become hazards in the dark. It is best to trick or treat in familiar areas.

Wear Proper Shoes: Princess heels and superhero boots may look great with your child’s costume, but comfortable shoes are a must for trick or treating. The more comfortable and easy to walk in their shoes are, the least likely you will spend the evening carrying them around.

Supervise the Fun: Never allow children to go trick or treating on their own. Give your children glow bracelets or flashlights. Safety is the number one priority.

Comfortable Masks: When selecting a mask for your child’s costume, choose one that has appropriately sized openings at the eyes, nose and mouth. Masks that breathe and that can be removed easily are ideal.

Child Friendly Props: The props that accompany the Halloween costumes should always be flexible and child friendly.

Dress Weather Appropriate: Plan your child’s costume according to weather. You don’t want your trick or treaters to get to warm nor cold. If it’s a little chilly outside, consider accessorizing jackets or adding extra layers underneath their costumes.

Practical Containers: Remember that your child will be carrying their treat bags around throughout the evening. Select an option that is lightweight and an appropriate length.

Inspect the Treats: Never allow your children to consume any of their goodies before you have had a chance to inspect it. Any open candy should be disposed of immediately. Unless you personally know the family that gave out homemade treats, it is best to discard those.

Follow these tips for trick or treating safety. NiteOwl Pediatrics wishes you and your family as safe and Happy Halloween!.